Structure of DNA

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1    2                    
9              10          
  11        12              


2. The shape of a DNA molecule (6,5)
4. Base which attaches to adenine. (7)
5. A type of enzyme used to cut DNA at specific points. (11)
7. One of four units that makes up the DNA code. (4)
8. Group of organisms that bacteria fall into. (10)
9. A technique used to separate electrically charged molecules that vary in size. (15)
11. The molecule which is added to the sugar to make the backbone of DNA. (9)
13. Small circular piece of DNA (7)
14. Group of organisms that green plants fit into. (9)
15. The base opposite cytosine. (7)
16. The base pair of guanine. (8)


1. The arrangement of DNA where the 2 strands run in opposite directions. (12)
2. The type os sugar found in DNA. (11)
3. The type of bond which holds the 2 strands together. (8)
6. The building blocks of DNA. (10)
8. Chemical element found in DNA but not in proteins. (10)
10. A chemical element found in proteins but not in DNA. (7)
12. The base partner of thymine. (7)